Materials / Cement / Kiln hood & grate cooler
Kiln hood & grate cooler
Cooler hot sections
Cooler cold sections
Kiln hood
Cooler hot sections

Name Description
ThorCast A60AF Low cement castable with high resistance to alkalis, abrasion and build ups
ThorCast SiC 30 Silicon carbide based low cement castable with high resistance to alkalis, abrassion, build ups and temperature fluctuations
ThorCast N Self- flowing no cement castable with high resistance to thermal shocks, alkalis and abrasion. Reduced heating process time.
ThorPump CS70 Self-adhesive cement-free concrete, which does not require soaking. High resistance to thermal shocks. Resistant to alkalis and abrasion
ThorBlast Rapid surface spray technology with high resistance to alkalis, abrasion and build ups
Thor B80 High alumina refractory brick
Thor A57X High alumina refractory brick with high resistance to alkalis